internet explorer bug 2

Issue: IE gets easily confused by whitespace
Version: 5.2 for Mac (OSX)
Version: 6.0 for Win 2000 Pro
Fixed: at least on 6.0.2900... on Win XP

The following two examples are exactly the same - two divs nested in a main div, with widths fully specified. The left (red) side and the "There are a limited number.." (green) statement should fit next to each other in the main div as shown in the first example. When we change a newline to a space in the "There are a limited.." statement, the green div suddenly gets dropped down below the left (red) div. Way to go, IE.

The change is as simple as the difference between these two lines - view the source for more info.

There are a limited number of these passes available (about 100), so please register
There are a limited number of these passes available (about 100), so please register early!

Correct Layout

Here is
the left
There are a limited number of these passes available (about 100), so please register early!

Broken Layout

Here is
the left
There are a limited number of these passes available (about 100), so please register early!

Here's basically what it looks like for the curious amongst you whom are smart enough to not use IE:

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